Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Give - Until there's nothing left.

It's kind of funny how God works sometimes...

I've been kind of struggling financially. College is so rough sometimes! I'm only 8 weeks in and yet it feels as though I've gone through so much already!

Several weeks ago I wrote about how I bought a new TV... I didn't see the harm in it. I figured I would make the money back within 3 or 4 weeks at work. Well guess what. For the 3 weeks after I bought the TV, I wasn't placed on the schedule.

So then last week I ate fast food for almost every one of my meals. Not only is that NOT healthy, but it really takes a toll on my wallet.

So in the midst of all this financial crisis, what do the two sermons from the two churches I attend pertain to? Giving. Tithing.

God are you serious?! I'm having so many problems right now, and then I start struggling with money. And NOW you convict me to GIVE???

It was just really strange. I know what God's pushing me to do... The question is: Will I give?

God Bless


Where did I lose sight?
I've always been a very strong proponent of everyone being their own person. I myself used to be a leader. I used to at least try to be a good role model for my friends and those who looked up to me.
But lately... I've lost sight of this goal, standard, and moral of mine.

I noticed it a little at the end of my senior year, and then it went into full effect over the summer. College is fun, but it rips you apart. If you aren't secure with who you are and what you believe in then you will change.

So now that I finally realized what I'm becoming, it's time to change. There's so much I want to say here, but is too sensitive.

I've begun to take steps in the right direction, but I'm going to need your help. If you could please be praying for me. Pray that I allow God's will to be done in my life, that he would calm my worries and extinguish my stress, and finally pray that I'll re-become my own person.

Thanks for listening guys! It's really important for me to be able to write out my thoughts because anymore I don't really enjoy talking more than I have to. Writing is so much easier. I can fix mistakes and I don't write with an impediment like I talk!

God Bless Friends!