No interesting title.
I'm TIRED. It's crazy just how tired I am...
Anyways I had class starting at 8. It was one of my three major classes. My first impression of the teacher was that he was a MAJOR GOOBER! But after I talked to him a little bit I started to think that he was pretty cool. Professor West seems to be pretty cool and he's going to be teaching me about Authoring Software. Something I've NEVER dealt with!
My second class was religion class at 9. I wasn't really that thrilled about taking this class because I've already taken one religion related class at the local community college and it SUCKED! I walked into and sat down in the wrong class room because I looked at the wrong section of my schedule. After I realized that I got to my real class and it was packed. I found a seat and waited. The teacher showed up and she was WEIRD. I'm not sure what her religious background was... But oh well... Hopefully I can just make it through the class.
My third and final class before lunch was my favorite of the day. I got to the class about 10 minutes early yet the teacher was already instructing so I figured I was in the wrong room again. It was another of my major classes so I was looking forward to it. I got back out in the hallway and checked my schedule to find that I was at the right room. Apparently the professor decided that she wanted to start early. So I find a seat once again and then I start actually paying attention to the teacher. It's at this point that she says, "I'm going to be learning just as much as you guys and FROM you guys as you're going to be learning from me!" I now realize that this professor is CHINESE and has an accent so thick you almost can't even understand her! She goes on to pronounce her name for us, BUT she loves the English word 'grace' so she prefers us to call her Grace! I basically laughed through the entire class. By the time the class was over I had decided I was definitely going to enjoy this class...
Next Josie, Mark and I went to Thompson hall to eat lunch. We had pizza, french fries and vitamin water! It was good in my opinion, but I don't know if I really want to eat there every Monday, Wednesday, Friday for lunch...
After lunch Jos, Mark and I all had the same Concepts of Leisure class. I know! It sounds like a blow-off class. However, I think it's going to prove to be a lot harder than it sounds. Anyways I almost fell asleep--it was BORING! And it didn't help that I have the class right after lunch.
After our CoL class, I headed to my final class of the day: History. I wasn't really looking forward to the class, and it didn't help when I arrived to find around 40 students in the class... I HATE big classes. Anyways the instructor went over the syllabus and then he wanted each and every student to introduce themselves... We barely got done in time to leave.
And that was it! My first day of classes was interesting to say the least... I think I enjoyed it overall though!
God Bless
so im guessing you have the same foreign chick for concepts of leisure cuz she was hard to understand the first day when i sat in the back...but today was a lot better cuz i was in the second row...but yeah that class is extremely boring
No. My teacher for CoL is normal American. She's fun enough, but the class is just boring...
And it doesn't help that it's right after lunch!
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