Thursday, September 4, 2008

MLG - Major League Gaming

Hey guys sorry I haven't blogged recently. School has started up and I've gotten busy already!

Anyways this is going to be a short blog b/c I have to go down and check on laundry and I'm also in the process of typing a paper for my Religion class.

Mark and I are playing TONS of Halo. We stay up late like every night playing online with one of our friends from back home, Ben Tooley. We all have had this little dream that we wanted to try and go pro in Halo, but none of us ever dreamed we'd ever make it. That is until we all got together! We decided that we wanted to form a team and start competing in smaller online tournaments until we think we're actually ready for the real thing: MLG. Major League Gaming. We're hoping to be able to travel around and compete in tournaments around the States. But for right now, we're just thinking small-scale. Big-time tournaments are still a long ways off, but I'm confident.

Time for HOMEWORK!

God Bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm...Thats Pretty SWEEET!
Well Im All For MLG Tournaments That R In California! Haha :)
Hope School Is Going Great!