Friday, November 28, 2008

Post-Turkey Day

Today was so bland. So boring. So uneventful! I honestly can't tell you one thing I did today that benefited me in one way or another.
'Anonymous Reader' posted a comment on my last blog asking if I'd given up on blogging. Well no I haven't! I am busy, but if I'm serious about blogging then I should be able to make time to post.
With that said I'll try to get on and post more often!
I'm hoping to get on tomorrow during one of my last few days of break and putting on a much more serious blog, but for now some updates:

1) My oldest sister has had her second child! My new nephew's name is Kinnick (after the Iowa Hawkeye's Stadium) Marc. He's a beautiful boy that weighs 8lbs. 1oz. and was 20.5 inches long. Congrats! He was born on 11/25.
2) Yesterday was Thanksgiving! I had a wonderful day of stuffing my face, and gorging on pumpkin...EVERYTHING! I'm truly thankful for my family, my FRIENDS[!], and that I serve a GREAT and AWESOME God!
3) Finally I may be able to realize a dream of mine since I was 6 or 7. In Fall of '09 I'm going to be traveling overseas to Study Abroad. Now--it wasn't a dream of mine to study overseas but simply to visit Europe. I've always wanted to go to England. Finally, through the Study Abroad program, my dream will be realized! I'm looking at studying in the UK somewhere, and will go into further detail when I have it.
4) Christmas is coming closer and closer!
5) The semester is almost over! I only have 2 and a half weeks left in this semester! That makes me so happy!!! Finally I'll be done with my stupid gen ed classes... I will however miss my class with Prof. Grace. She's definitely become more of a friend than a teacher to me.

That's all I can come up with right now... I'm sure more will come later!
Until tomorrow...

God Bless!

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