Hey guys!
On my lunch break... I quit going to Thompson Hall to eat so I could save some money. So now its burgers and deli meat for meals! lol
I haven't gotten tired of it yet!
This week is going to be crazy. I can just tell...
I have two final projects that I need to get done before this weekend, three essays to prepare for, three history quizzes to take before Wednesday at 5PM, and one final exam to study for. As well as plenty of tedious homework assignments in my stupid religion class (No. I don't think religion is stupid. Just this class!). I'm going to need to stay focused all week and stay on task otherwise I'm not going to get things done.
I'm not sure I can study in my apartment either b/c I'll become distracted with people going in and out, my roommate playing XBOX, me wanting to play XBOX, and tv...
I'm thinking I may go to The Crossing church and study there in the Studio. It has some nice couches, and I can hook my laptop up to the tech booth and get on the internet that way as well as listen to some tunes while I'm studying. Then when I take a break I can bring my XBOX and play a couple of games of halo there in Stage 46 or the Studio...
I like that idea! haha
Last night I went to Studio and got a very unexpected surprise! There was an inspirational singing group putting on their fall concert in the main auditorium!
Now I'd like to say this:
I am by no means racist. So when I say this next thing, don't take offense, because I'm not being racist about it.
The entire choir was black! The whole service was a typical Southern Gospel church setting. A lot of jumping around and shouting! If you were sitting, you clearly didn't have the Holy Spirit inside you! It was probably the single most time I've ever felt the closest to God! It was a very powerful and moving experience! I honestly can't say I've ever had an experience quite like it!
Overall this past weekend was GREAT!
I had the Gospel Choir on Sunday, and on Saturday I went to visit my sister up by Chicago. Her church was putting on this thing called 'Walk to Bethlehem' and we did that. It was AMAZING! It basically is a VERY realistic reenactment of Jesus' birth. We were even verbally abused by Roman soldiers!
Overall it was a good weekend from a fun stand-point, but from a work stand-point... Not so much! I didn't get any work done on my projects... So I've really gotta crack down on those.
Oh ya! On top of all this school work, I also got scheduled to work on both Tuesday and Thursday. These two days are my major homework days because I only have one class and I'm done at 9AM. So then normally I can spend the rest of the day doing homework. This week though... Not a chance.
My break is almost over, and I need to pack my bag and grab something else to eat. So I'll try and post more this week but I'm making no promises with everything that's going on!
I want to get back to posting some scripture and giving my interpretation of it... So keep checking back!
God Bless!