Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tactic Squad

Hey guys this is going to be a short blog.

I have homework today before FIRE (the campus house's college-aged ministry) tonight.
My real point in posting this blog is to show someone the avatar I created for his clan.
Tonight after FIRE and small groups, I have tryouts for a Team Objective clan in Halo3. It should be fun, I just hope I'm good enough... I skipped my History class today to get some practice in, but my games were plagued by people quitting. Either my whole team would quit or the other whole team would quit. It was impossible. So I got NO PRACTICE for my tryouts tonight! Great.

So now I have to get busy on making a flow chart for my Final Project in IDT205. My project topic is "How to become a pro in Halo3!" My professor thought it was hilarious... I'm pretty much his favorite! lol

Anyway here's the avatar for ZeeSee09's Tactic Squad clan:
(I used PhotoShop to create this if anyone was wondering...)

Oh and by the way... It's not completely done. There's going to be the clan's emblem where that text it.

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