This isn't the type of blog you think you're going to be reading… So, break in the edge of your seat because you're going to need it! Hmmm… Just kidding, but symbolism is a wonderful thing.
PhotoShop. I've recently learned how to use this wonderful program. It was simple enough to figure out. You start out with a basic picture. Ok? Then you may want to add effects, brighten it up, or crop it to a different shape or smaller. But PhotoShop does something unique. You never actually edit or change the original photo you are working with. You use what is called a layer. You may add a brightness layer to brighten or darken the picture. So you add the layer and adjust to the perfect lighting. Easy enough, right? Then, later if you change your mind and want to undo your change you just have to delete the layer or take it off.
To crop a pic you actually have to alter the original. That was one thing that couldn't be covered up with a layer. So if you want to cut the picture into pieces you can do that, but if you change your mind later, it's harder to undo your changes. Instead of deleting a layer you have to click the undo button a bunch or start completely over.
Why am I telling you this, you ask?
Those instructions I just gave you parallel our lives perfectly. When we look in the mirror, we don't like what we see. We're all guilty of this. Am I telling ladies not to wear make-up? Not at all. That's not the alterations I'm talking about. We all wear masks. You know what I'm saying… People are constantly molding their actions and attitudes to the people and situations that surround them. They turn their back on people one day and come back the next. Just like adding a layer and taking it off/deleting it. You take off one layer to add another!
And then there's the crop function. We often live our lives temerariously. Our generation is getting worse and worse. What do they need? Jesus. They need a savior. We are cutting our lives up with different sins. We crop the picture of our lives with lust, porn, drugs, alcohol, pride, jealousy, etc... Only the game of life isn't like PhotoShop. There's no undo button to click multiple times until we're happy again. BUT. There is the other option: Start over. Jesus is the only way to do this, though. Repentance. You must repent, ask for forgiveness from our Savior, and be baptized.
What I wrote here was not pointed at any one person. If anyone, I point it at myself. I'm guilty often of being fake. But that's not what I want to talk about now.
If you are reading this and are confused or want to talk… Contact me in someway. I would be more than happy to talk/message/email/text with you. If I can help you in anyway, I want to!
Don't hesitate to comment me or message me. If you want to talk, call me! If you don't have my cell number message me on here and I'll be more than happy to provide you with it. If you already have it… Text me! I'd be happier than…Well I'd be happy to chat about this. And my e-mail is
I want to leave you with this one single thought: Jesus is the only way to eternal life. We have to drop our layers, masks, and sins. We have to follow Him absolutely.