Sorry if this isn’t what you were expecting, but it’s a full-fledged, down-to-earth, honest idea of…well mine. Here’s an excerpt from a book I’ve been writing in my head the last couple of days. Don’t be looking for it in bookstores ever. It has already dissipated from my mind. That’s why this is an excerpt.
The walls were white. No… Maybe a dull gray, but it was very close to white. There were some very randomly placed mangy loveseats in the far corner. The floor was carpeted. Yellow and spongy.
“Where is he?” a boy questioned, standing in the doorway of the room peering over the tops of the heads of people standing in front of him.
“Who knows,” came the feminine reply of a shorter girl.
“Hey! Are you in here?” bellowed a rounder fellow wearing a baseball cap.
Silence was his answer. The group crept further into the room, peering around at the windowless walls and lightless ceiling. The door slammed shut suddenly and made the whole lot of them jump. They turned back around and continued their trek closer to the couches. A fireplace came into view behind the furniture and after several more steps, the logs filling its hearth burst into flames.
“Hello,” came a heavily accented voice behind them.
They all jumped again, a recurring action throughout their quest.
“Where did you come from?” the sole female interrogated.
“I was over there,” the young man said while pointing back towards the doorway, which had vanished and taking its place was a wooden rocking chair. The accent placed his allegiance for England—or France maybe—but definitely European.
“So what’s the plan?” This from the first questioning boy. His face was pointed, his brow furrowed.
“No plans. Here take a seat.”
Immediately they were in the center of the of the skanky couch cluster.
“What the heck?” exclaimed the hoodie adorned boy.
There were five of them total in the group. Six if you counted the European Accent.
“Is there a problem?” European Accent asked.
“How did we get right here without moving?” Hoodie Boy fired back.
All he received was a questioning stare.
And they all sat. They talked plenty, about nothing in general. A lot of time passed, but they all continued to converse. Their chattery went un-interrupted until there was a sound from far off. It sounded like something pounding on wood. They all stared into the dark, far corner of the room. The sound grew more noticeable. It was like someone was knocking on a door.
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