Monday, September 29, 2008


"I wanna love You like it's AUTOMATIC...
Make You into my Good Habit!
You're the only one that really matters!
Every minute, every day, it's AUTOMATICALLY okay--
When I make it all about You."

These words are all taken from Stellar Kart's new song Automatic. The first time I heard these lyrics I was inspired. They're so REAL. So TRUE.

That's how I want to describe my relationship with Jesus. I want to make communing with my Heavenly Father a daily good habit. I want to put Him first in my life and priorities. I know if I can let go and do that, then everything else I want of my life will come.

God is always there waiting for us. We just have to come out and meet Him. We don't even have to go far. He is more than willing to meet us more than halfway.

So what's holding me back? ...And what's holding YOU back? Why aren't you where you know you really should be? Why do WE keep staunching the convictions of God's Holy Spirit which resides inside us?

Just something to think about.

God Bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love that song!