It's kind of funny how God works sometimes...
I've been kind of struggling financially. College is so rough sometimes! I'm only 8 weeks in and yet it feels as though I've gone through so much already!
Several weeks ago I wrote about how I bought a new TV... I didn't see the harm in it. I figured I would make the money back within 3 or 4 weeks at work. Well guess what. For the 3 weeks after I bought the TV, I wasn't placed on the schedule.
So then last week I ate fast food for almost every one of my meals. Not only is that NOT healthy, but it really takes a toll on my wallet.
So in the midst of all this financial crisis, what do the two sermons from the two churches I attend pertain to? Giving. Tithing.
God are you serious?! I'm having so many problems right now, and then I start struggling with money. And NOW you convict me to GIVE???
It was just really strange. I know what God's pushing me to do... The question is: Will I give?
God Bless
so....have you?
I have. In a round about way...
I definitely gave up something that was a lot more dear to me than money. I tried to find something to give that was very precious to me. I just can't afford right now to give money. More on this later...
Thanks for checking in on me! It's nice to know that my readers will keep me accountable.
So, have you quit this thing or what? I mean, I know you are busy, but come on....inquiring minds wanna know.
do you mean have i quit on my blog?
i never will...
i'm sorry i'll try REALLY hard to get back on track!
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