Thursday, July 31, 2008

YouTube Madness!

Here's some of my favorite YouTube videos:

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I don't even know...

I found this very interesting:

At CIY, the major theme was the Holy Spirit. The second evening session was simply amazing in my opinion. It was specifically on the Holy Spirit: on receiving it and listening to its call.

But what I really want to focus on tonight was the group morning devotional the morning before the message on the Holy Spirit. It too was on the basics of the Holy Spirit. It had this little activity where there was a list of scriptures from the Bible in one column and a list of characteristics in another column... We had to look up the scriptures and then match them with the characteristics. One of the characteristics was something to the effect that, 'whenever you're being plagued by grief and sorrow and you don't know what to say to God, the Holy Spirit living inside you can speak for you.'

I just thought that was the coolest thing. That the Spirit of God can tell our Heavenly Father what's going on, even though He already knows. I wish I could remember the exact scripture. When I get home I'll look it up in my Move student magazine and post it. But for now just think about this:

~Have you received the Holy Spirit?
~Do you have a time each day where you commune and talk with God's Spirit?
~Do you listen to the Spirit's tug and call?
~Have you stamped out the Spirit to where the voice is so small it's impossible to hear?

Think. Think some more. Pray.

God Bless


Is that even a word?
Well we're going to pretend like it is for now.

We're in Tuscan, Arizona. Some days have been ridiculously boring. Others very bright! We arrived and I was planning on the condo having wifi. No such luck. How terrible. Then I find ethernet cables, so I'm thinking, "Ok wired is better than nothing." $9.95 for 24 HOURS! How dumb! So we traveled around Tuscan looking for a place with free wifi. We finally found this skanky Mexican restaurant in the Ghetto. I'm not even kidding. It was the Ghetto! Bars on the windows, gangsters in the streets, and high chain-link fence complete with razor wire at the top! Scary right?!

So finally I broke my parents down and convinced them to buy a connection for at least one day. So here I am. I have 23.5 hours! lol

I can't really focus for some reason. I think its because there's so much I haven't done on the internet lately...

Anyways yesterday I saw the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight. It was phenomenal! I definitely suggest it!

That's all I got... I'll post a more substantial blog later today...

God Bless

Friday, July 25, 2008

Family Vacation

I wanted to try to do a video blog for this one. I finally figured out how to use the built-in webcam on my laptop and want to start v-blogging. I recorded one, but realized I was talking to softly because I'm in a hotel lobby. I might try and find a vending machine room somewhere later and record another...
Anyways, we're in Colorado [I think.]. I was under the impression that we were flying to Denver, CO and doing some sight seeing there then getting back on a plane and flying to Tulsa, Arizona. We did no such thing. We rented a car and we're driving the rest of the way to Arizona. BOOOOORING! Today we went and saw Pike's Peak and Royal Gorge. Pike's Peak was cool... I'll try and post some pictures once I go through them.
My search for a vending machine room will ensue now.

God Bless

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Nightmare in Atlanta Airport

So here's my airport story:

I was flying home on Sunday. The original plan was to arrive at the Regan Airport around 12:30PM and then my flight would leave there at 2:05PM. Then I would fly to Atlanta, Georgia and get a connecting flight from Atlanta to St. Louis, Missouri at 4:15PM. Then I was supposed to be picked up by my older sister.

This is what actually happened.

I arrived at the Regan airport between 12 and 12:30PM. Good so far. I get there and I meet up with some of the students that were also flying home. The only problem is their flight was delayed. I thought, 'Oh no big deal... Mine will be fine.' I now realize that that fact was a BAD OMEN for my flight.
My flight to Atlanta was delayed. At first they said that it was just going to be an hour. Then it turned into five hours. So I boarded the plane around 7PM. Then after I got all excited that I was finally going to get to leave the Regan airport finally, we sat on the plane on the tarmac for nearly 2 hours! Finally the pilot informed us that we were going to get to take off. Everyone started clapping and cheering.
We arrived an hour and a half later at the airport in Atlanta. Obviously I missed my connecting flight to St. Louis. So I was informed I had to go to gate C21 and get rebooked. So I did that and the quickest flight I could get was a midnight flight. I booked it because I just wanted to go home. Well I go to gate C18 to wait to board the plane. Then we find out the flight is going to be delayed to 2:50AM. By this time I just don't care anymore. I just want to get away from this airport.
2:00AM comes around and I am informed that our plane was moved to a different gate. So everyone got up and moved to the new location. We sat there for about 40 minutes and then were told that the flight attendants were going to be late. So they pushed our flight back to 3:10AM. Well I immediately found this to be a bad sign. I was just telling the person sitting on the floor next to me about my gut feeling, and there was an announcement over the gate intercom. Our flight had been cancelled.
Honestly I could have cried. But I don't cry, and I didn't see the point. Well then they told me that I had to go to the Customer Service desk to rebook again. Now let me tell you about the line at the Customer Service desk. It had approximately 500 people in it. I talked to one guy in line and he told me that he'd been waiting for over 3 hours and he wasn't even close to halfway through.
So I'm getting more and more frustrated trying every avenue of hope I can possibly find. Finally I'm told that there isn't going to be a flight to ILLINOIS period (let alone St. Louis) until 10PM TUESDAY! I was close to insanity. So I hear that there are some people renting cars and driving to their destinations. I decided that that would be a surer bet to hitchhike rather than wait for a flight.
I go around the airport asking around, trying to find someone who is going to or through Illinois. Finally I find a group of people that are driving to Bloomington, IL. I give them my cell number and they promise to call me when they find a car. I decided that I should also find someone else as a back-up plan in case I never get a call from the Bloomington people. So I give my cell number out to two more groups of people, one of which was driving to St. Louis.
The St. Louis people were the only one's that ended up calling. I told them I was ready to leave whenever they were, so we took off in our newly rented Mercury Sable. That whole experience is dead to me. The ride was not enjoyable. I'm stopping at that though so I don't say something I shouldn't. I made it to Carbondale, Illinois only an hour behind my friends... Basically I hitchhiked from Georgia to Illinois! At least that's what I like to tell everyone!!! lol

This is the group of people I 'hitchhiked' with.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Final Take: Washington DC

My trip to Washington DC was fun, relaxing, and interesting. I really enjoyed being able to go out there and visit Bryan. I can't wait for him to get home so we can start hanging out again. The whole experience was GREAT! I met new people, made new friends, and developed new addictions.
First time things that happened at DC:
1) Jesse, a new friend that I met out there, asked me if I wanted to go to Starbucks to get coffee with him one day. I informed him that I had never been to a Starbucks before, and he was appalled! He did his classic, "Oh no you didn't!" facial expression, and then informed me, "that I couldn't call myself an American anymore." He and I went, and I ordered something without coffee in it, because I wanted to work myself into it. It was vanilla frappachino of some sort. It was very good! Then he and I went to this little park and drank our Starbucks while talking about church and God. I think I'm now addicted to Starbucks. More info on that later...

2) This was my first time going out of state without my family. It felt almost liberating! I really enjoyed the ride up there with Lorree, Autumn, and Courtney. It was a blast and I hope I have many more roadtrips in the future of this nature. The trip home was interesting to say the least... I'll post an entire blog about that because it was that interesting.


Arlington National Cemetery

Changing of the Guard - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The Metro! I LOVED riding this.

For Monica! This was at the World War II Memorial.

Our Group with the Washington Monument in background - Courtney, Lorree, me, and Autumn

I'm not sure what memorial this is...

Abe Lincoln himself!

Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool (Forrest Gump was nowhere to be found...)

White House from the back - Wasn't really all that impressive...

Iwo Jima Monument - My Favorite
Well seeing as I just got home, I'm going to take a shower, and then a little nap. I'm going to the county fair with Jos, Mark, and possibly Lindsay. I'll post more tomorrow!

Thank you SO MUCH for the amazing vacation. I can't wait for you to be back home!

God Bless

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quick Check-In:

Hey guys:
I just wanted to check in with everyone. I'm at Southern Illinois University right now for a [C]hrist [I]n [Y]outh Conference...
I just wanted to let you all know that I have a nightmare-ish story for you all when I have a lot of time to tell you how my flight went. :D More on that later...

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well and I will try and get on later for a longer blog!

God Bless

Saturday, July 12, 2008

WLC: Changing Lives.

The whole reason behind my visit to Washington DC is to:
1) Visit a good friend who took a summer job here.

2) To take a vacation.

3) Just to relax and have fun!

In addition I have:

1) Went sight seeing.

2) Made new friends that are AMAZING.

3) Grown as a person.

This weekend was supposed to be a little vacation. Just get away and do nothing but hang out with my buddy, Bryan. This, however, is not what happened. I have witnessed events that can be immensely life-changing. The conference that Bryan works for is preparing teens every week to become authentic leaders that can change the world.

This may sound cheesy, but I have taken so much out of just simply standing on the sidelines.

As I mentioned I met a new friend from California. I can't even begin to describe the impact that Jesse has had on my life already. And I don't plan on losing touch with him after this weekend...

Anyways I gotta head out. I'm going to go and hang out with Jesse before he leaves early tomorrow morning to fly back to Cali.

Tomorrow I fly back to St. Louis, MO and get rested up for CIY all this coming week. I would like to ask you all to pray for me as I fly tomorrow by myself for the first time. And also be praying that God opens doors and convicts hearts next week!

Thanks and...

God Bless

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lights. Camera. ACTION!

Guys. I can't even begin to describe how much fun I'm having right now!

I'm meeting so many new people. Making friends, hanging out with old (but GOOD) friends. I'm walking ALL OVER Washington DC, snapping pictures being myself, and really just having an all around good time!

I met this new friend. His name is Jesse; he's from California. He has a real PASSION for working with kids/teens. He is really cool. He has this saying, "Everything happens for a reason." I truly believe that God put Jesse in the path that represents my life for a reason. I'm not sure what yet. I'm unsure if I'm supposed to minister to him or if he's ministering to me. Or both! I will say that he has already impacted my life.


I'm going to be coming away from this trip with SO MANY stories. It's crazy. But right now I want to share a quick story with you that is my favorite so far:

Ok. Picture this=the four of us have been driving in a car for 14 hours. We're tired and I feel EXTREMELY skanky. I really want to go take a shower, but we wanted to see Bryan.

So we arrive at the hotel and we go to the ballroom doors and wait there for Bryan to get out of a session. There's kids and adults hangin out outside the ballroom also. Suddenly I realize that there's this tall gangly guy kind of circling the group of us and he keeps looking at me...

I start to discreetly watch him to try and figure out what the heck is going on. Then suddenly he comes up to me and says, "Hey, I need your help with something. Can you come with me?" Well I'm tired, not thinking, and just wanted to be helpful so I oblige and follow him. I was a little panicked that I just walked away with a stranger in a VERY forgein city. Anyway, I follow him into a big room with about 6 people in it. They are all in a back corner. And there's a video camera (thus the blog's name). Well I then realized that the person who had grabbed me (who ended up being Jesse), thought I was a student partaking in the conference. The problem is that they're video taping someone so I can't inform Jesse that I'm not a student. I didn't know what to do...

So it comes my turn to sit in the chair and be taped. What they were doing was this script thing. Like one guy was reading off lines of a script and I had to repeat the line and use emotion. Then they used lines from all the different students they video taped. So I just start following the directions I was given and Bryan walks in. I couldn't help it; I just started laughing on camera. Then Bryan was like, "Guys, he's not a student. This is Jordan. My friend from back home that I've been telling you about." Then all of them start laughing hysterically. They're like, "Jordan, why didn't you tell us?!" I didn't know what to say.

So anyways, that was really funny... I don't know if it is as funny to read, but it was REALLY funny to live!!!

Linky to VIDEO

God Bless

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Arrival.

So we FINALLY made it to DC...
I have some HILARIOUS stories!!!  I don't have time right now; I'm on my new Californian friend's MacBook.

Anyways I can't wait to tell you the stories!!!

God Bless

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Au Revoir!

I'm hitting the road.

I didn't have time to blog tonight sorry...

I had goodbye's to say and lots of other crap to do...


It was Lindsay and I's three month today!

I'll blog more throughout this week... Pics of WASHINGTON DC... Then all next week I'll be without internet, a computer, and my cell.... :(


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Day After Tomorrow

I leave for WASHINGTON DC! I'm excited.

Today was boring. I worked all morning and until 3. I actually made it to work on time! That was impressive for me...

Then Mark came over and we played Swat on Live with another friend Brent. Now I'm at Brent's house for awhile typing this and then Mark is coming out here and we're gonna play some more Live!

Anyways... That was my whole day! Boring right?!

Tomorrow I have to work (in Bowen again...). Then Lindsay and I are hanging out and watching The Office before I have to leave to pack for DC and then go to bed early b/c I have to get up WAY EARLY to get on the road to see BRYAN!

Bryan if you read this I can't wait to see ya bro!!!

Sorry no scripture tonight..

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 7th Day of the 7th Month!

I would have said 'Happy Bungie Day' but no one would actually know what I was talking about...

So I'm back. And I'm going to try really hard to keep this going. I don't know why I suddenly decided to quit posting... I don't even think I consciously made a decision to stop. It just sort of happened.

Anyways quite a bit has happened that I haven't posted:
1) At Studio yesterday I played Ultimate Frisbee in my sandals and ripped half-dollar sized chunks of skin of the bottoms of both my feet. It's a little painful... But my team did win!

2) The message at Studio was VERY good on Sunday night. Phil, the Jr. High minister from the Quincy campus, spoke because Andy and his family were gone on vacation in Florida. Phil is pretty cool. I've played basketball with/against him after Fuel in Quincy a couple of times... I'm not very good, and I always tell the story of how Phil jumped 60 feet in the air to stuff a 3 pointer I shot... It was pretty amazing even though it was embarrassing for me! Ha. Anyways: Phil spoke on Worshiping Truly. He said how we were created with the sole purpose to worship God. And it doesn't matter how we do it. Just as long as our hearts are in the right place and we give everything to Him.

3) I went to Wes's house to see him and his family shoot off fireworks (on the 4th (Sorry to all you non-American readers...)) b/c all my other friends already had done other stuff and I was too late to go anywhere else. But Wes's house was still good! We definitely had fun shooting stuff off in a variety of ways!

4) THREE DAYS. I leave for Washington DC in THREE DAYS! I'm traveling to the nation's capital to visit a good friend of mine that took a summer job there which consists of molding young minds. Ha. You like how I worded that? Anyways Bryan is a pretty cool guy that has helped me out along my walk with Christ. Three of my other friends and I are driving there on Thursday and then I'm flying back by myself on Sunday. I'm flying into St. Louis, MO where my older sister lives. So I'm spending the night at her apartment and then I'm getting picked up there by a youth group to go to CIY (Christ in Youth). So that should be a blast. My roommate for next year is going with me on that and I really hope God opens his heart and speaks to him. He's a really good friend and just needs a little boost to get his walk with Jesus really jump-started. Prayers for safe travels and opened hearts would be much appreciated!

Jeremiah 17:7
7 "Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him."

Isn't that cool? Like I mentioned before, God created us to worship Him. He wants us to YEARN for Him. During small group time after the message at Studio my buddy Art said it like this, "God is jealous. Like the moment we wake in the morning, He just is almost impatiently waiting for us to call out to Him and tell Him how much we need Him and how much we love Him." He wants us to give EVERYTHING up to Him. He wants us to faithfully follow Him.
So why don't we?
I'll admit I'm not there yet. I have felt SO close to God, yet then I trip up and start feeling sorry for myself and screw up even more. Satan just works like that. But those who have accepted Jesus into their hearts have something satan can never defeat. We have the Holy Spirit moving within us. We just have to listen to that small voice. We we're about to screw up the voice is screaming for us to stop; telling us that God wouldn't like that.
Jesus never said it would be easy to follow Him. We just have to actively keep at it. No matter what happens. Ya, you may mess up, but Jesus died and rose again to save you from that. He overlooks it so we should overlook our downfalls too. Live and learn. Learn from your mistakes. You will, but you shouldn't, feel shameful for your past. Just learn to live with your mistakes and move on!
I kind of got on a side rant... That tends to happen.
Don't worry. More to come. And I'm planning on packing my laptop so I can continue to blog in DC and hopefully CIY too... I'll have to think about that.

God Bless

Sunday, July 6, 2008

There's no other way to say this:

I'm sorry.
And I'm even more sorry, but in approximately4.5 minutes my laptop battery is going to die so I must also make this apology quick.
I consider blogging to be very important. As important as taking a shower every day! And so I apologize for stinking!
Lately... I can't even use the excuse that I've been busy because I have not been any such thing! I would like to promise you that it will get better. If I've disappointed you... Please don't leave me!
The blogging will continue!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So I'm outside.
I just got home and I decided it was so nice out that, at first, I was going to blog on the trampoline. However, I found that to be uncomfortable, so now I'm in a lawn chair watching the lightning! It's pretty sweet.
Today was a 'catch-up-on-sleep' day. I woke up at 7 and then again at 9 but I just fell in and out of consciousness. I got up out of bed at 11 with the idea that I was going to play some Team Swat and just do nothing all day. But I made the mistake of going down stairs and my mom told me a should put a couple of hours in at work.
My little sister had her birthday party today with all of her friends. They played in the pool all day until it started raining. Then they came inside and watched the newly finished DVD of our high school musical, Annie. Then we ate a late lunch and had CAKE! I was really excited for this cake because it was 'fun-fetti' cake. It tasted SO good. As a matter of fact I think I'll eat one before bed.
Yes, I know that's not healthy... Sue me.
The quality is bad on the pic b/c I didn't think about getting a picture until it was ALMOST too late.

After the cake I went to the school and worked for two and a half hours. Whoopie.

Then I have been looking forward to visiting camp ALL week. Bung (a friend of mine) was a camper and so I decided I would go out and visit him. I also decided to stop in Carthage and get him some DQ. He liked that, much to the jealousy of his fellow campers!
The worship was AMAZING. It always is at camp. The message was good also. It talked about the importance of the Cross of Christ. And how Christ is the only way to eternal life. It was very moving sermon.

Then the fun. We did a bunch of stupid/fun dance songs and then had karaoke. I have some HILARIOUS pictures and videos of Bung singing and dancing... I wasn't required to partake since I was just a visitor, but let me tell you if the DJ would have had some Relient K songs in his mix than I most certainly would have sang!!! lol

This is Bung doing the Hoke-Poke (Spelling?!)

This is Bung doing the Chicken Dance. Ha!

This is Bung and another camper doing the Tunak Tunak Tun Dance.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


So guess what today is...
JULY 1st!
And guess what that means?!
A NEW RELIENT K ALBUM COMES OUT! That's what I'm talking about!
Anyways, from what I have heard from it I like the CD so far! I've just browsed through all the songs listening to at least the first thiry seconds.

NINE DAYS until I get to travel out to Washington, DC to hang out with Bryan Schullian. I can't WAIT!!! Bryan is a good friend of mine that I met during high school, but never really knew him until we re-met at the Crossing in Quincy. He took a job in DC for the summer and so three friends and I decided we'd drive out there to see him! I'll be taking LOTS of pictures with my new camera... So be ready for a picture post when I get back!

Rather than scripture tonight I'm going to post a video. It's a video of one of my favorite worship songs. I LOVE this song. It speaks volumes to me every time I hear it. I hope it speaks to you like it does me: