First time things that happened at DC:
1) Jesse, a new friend that I met out there, asked me if I wanted to go to Starbucks to get coffee with him one day. I informed him that I had never been to a Starbucks before, and he was appalled! He did his classic, "Oh no you didn't!" facial expression, and then informed me, "that I couldn't call myself an American anymore." He and I went, and I ordered something without coffee in it, because I wanted to work myself into it. It was vanilla frappachino of some sort. It was very good! Then he and I went to this little park and drank our Starbucks while talking about church and God. I think I'm now addicted to Starbucks. More info on that later...
2) This was my first time going out of state without my family. It felt almost liberating! I really enjoyed the ride up there with Lorree, Autumn, and Courtney. It was a blast and I hope I have many more roadtrips in the future of this nature. The trip home was interesting to say the least... I'll post an entire blog about that because it was that interesting.

Arlington National Cemetery

Changing of the Guard - Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The Metro! I LOVED riding this.

For Monica! This was at the World War II Memorial.

Our Group with the Washington Monument in background - Courtney, Lorree, me, and Autumn

I'm not sure what memorial this is...

Abe Lincoln himself!

Washington Monument and Reflecting Pool (Forrest Gump was nowhere to be found...)

White House from the back - Wasn't really all that impressive...

Iwo Jima Monument - My Favorite
Well seeing as I just got home, I'm going to take a shower, and then a little nap. I'm going to the county fair with Jos, Mark, and possibly Lindsay. I'll post more tomorrow!
Thank you SO MUCH for the amazing vacation. I can't wait for you to be back home!
God Bless
1 comment:
Aw Yay! Haha
Ive Been To That Memorial In DC I Think Its The World War II Memorial...I Could Be Wrong Tho lol
But Thats Super Cool That U Saw That And Thought Of Me And Good Ol Cali ;)
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