Friday, July 25, 2008

Family Vacation

I wanted to try to do a video blog for this one. I finally figured out how to use the built-in webcam on my laptop and want to start v-blogging. I recorded one, but realized I was talking to softly because I'm in a hotel lobby. I might try and find a vending machine room somewhere later and record another...
Anyways, we're in Colorado [I think.]. I was under the impression that we were flying to Denver, CO and doing some sight seeing there then getting back on a plane and flying to Tulsa, Arizona. We did no such thing. We rented a car and we're driving the rest of the way to Arizona. BOOOOORING! Today we went and saw Pike's Peak and Royal Gorge. Pike's Peak was cool... I'll try and post some pictures once I go through them.
My search for a vending machine room will ensue now.

God Bless

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