Friday, July 11, 2008

Lights. Camera. ACTION!

Guys. I can't even begin to describe how much fun I'm having right now!

I'm meeting so many new people. Making friends, hanging out with old (but GOOD) friends. I'm walking ALL OVER Washington DC, snapping pictures being myself, and really just having an all around good time!

I met this new friend. His name is Jesse; he's from California. He has a real PASSION for working with kids/teens. He is really cool. He has this saying, "Everything happens for a reason." I truly believe that God put Jesse in the path that represents my life for a reason. I'm not sure what yet. I'm unsure if I'm supposed to minister to him or if he's ministering to me. Or both! I will say that he has already impacted my life.


I'm going to be coming away from this trip with SO MANY stories. It's crazy. But right now I want to share a quick story with you that is my favorite so far:

Ok. Picture this=the four of us have been driving in a car for 14 hours. We're tired and I feel EXTREMELY skanky. I really want to go take a shower, but we wanted to see Bryan.

So we arrive at the hotel and we go to the ballroom doors and wait there for Bryan to get out of a session. There's kids and adults hangin out outside the ballroom also. Suddenly I realize that there's this tall gangly guy kind of circling the group of us and he keeps looking at me...

I start to discreetly watch him to try and figure out what the heck is going on. Then suddenly he comes up to me and says, "Hey, I need your help with something. Can you come with me?" Well I'm tired, not thinking, and just wanted to be helpful so I oblige and follow him. I was a little panicked that I just walked away with a stranger in a VERY forgein city. Anyway, I follow him into a big room with about 6 people in it. They are all in a back corner. And there's a video camera (thus the blog's name). Well I then realized that the person who had grabbed me (who ended up being Jesse), thought I was a student partaking in the conference. The problem is that they're video taping someone so I can't inform Jesse that I'm not a student. I didn't know what to do...

So it comes my turn to sit in the chair and be taped. What they were doing was this script thing. Like one guy was reading off lines of a script and I had to repeat the line and use emotion. Then they used lines from all the different students they video taped. So I just start following the directions I was given and Bryan walks in. I couldn't help it; I just started laughing on camera. Then Bryan was like, "Guys, he's not a student. This is Jordan. My friend from back home that I've been telling you about." Then all of them start laughing hysterically. They're like, "Jordan, why didn't you tell us?!" I didn't know what to say.

So anyways, that was really funny... I don't know if it is as funny to read, but it was REALLY funny to live!!!

Linky to VIDEO

God Bless

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