I want to help!
--Really I do.
What’s your problem?
‘Non-existent’ you say.
‘Mmhmm’ I say.
--In my oh so sarcastic tone
Why won’t you let me in?
I won’t understand?
--So make me!
Just talk to me,
--Tell me everything.
I’m so tired of this cynicalism.
I’m always listening
--So please just give me something to hear!
Do you know my Jesus?
He can solve any problem.
And with His help,
--I can solve yours.
Oh you’ve got problems?
--But you won’t tell me?
I’m so sick of this circle you’re leading me in!
Just toughen up!
You’re not the only one.
Everyone’s got a closet full of skeletons.
These teary eyes,Scrambled mind and shattered heart--Have seen and felt more than they can stand.You’ve got problems?YOU’VE GOT PROBLEMS???Try looking at the world around you.
There’s people everywhere,
The Jock that used to be your best friend,
--But sold you out when you weren’t athletic enough anymore.
The Prep that only talks to you when they need a favor.
And of course there’s the Religious One.
--The only person who’s genuinely nice to you.
There’s a common theme,
--Within those three people.
To you they have it all:
--Athleticism, Popularity, and God.
But! Quietly behind the scenes,
They become someone different.
To the Jock, the MVP:This person went on to flunk out of college.--Became homeless and poor.How did the athleticism reward this person?Because in the end,--Starvation won the championship.Hey you! Yeah, Mr. Popular:Where did your Hollister jeans and track jackets get you?The frat house, eh?Well how’s it feel,--Looking through the drunkenness, knowing:You killed that family in the mini-van.
And finally that Religious Kid,
--Who had it made with God.
Or at least that’s how it appeared to everyone.
Except the cops who had to pull the pistol,
--From those lifeless hands;
Just after hearing the cry ‘Why have You forsaken me?’
So may I reiterate:
People are not who they appear to be.
You’ve got problems,
--And so does the rest of the world.
I want to help you,
--But I think I know why I cannot.
You see, I want to solve your problems,
--Save your life.
But I’ve come to the conclusion,
--That before I can help anyone else
I simply must:
Help myself.