Thursday, January 3, 2008

confusion: Or uTter LAcK thereOf.

"I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?"
"Oh! Yes, that's it. I'm terribly sorry..."

"Mr. Enslin! How long's it been? Just two years? Really?"
"How's the next book coming along?"

Our concentration it contains a deadly flaw
our conversations change from words to blah, blah blah

My finger points. At whom or what I do not know.
My mind often wonders to things out of control...
What is going on?Insanity? ... I think not!

we took prescription drugs but look how much good that didwell I think I had a point, but I just got distracted

I laugh at things out of my control.
And I do not know? Better if YOU don't know...
~Façade~ is my middle name.
What?! I thought Robert was...?

"'Wonderful' you say? Well that's superb!""I'm so happy for you. How's life other than the writing?"

"The 'show biz'! How's that working out for you? Bloody rich, right?""Oh. I'm thinking of that crackpot Walters! Remember him?"

Lately it just seems to melike we've got the letters A.D.D.branded into our mentalitywe simply can't focus on anything

I'm the catalyst to a mystery novel
Only answering requests not when I feel like it,
but rather when I am allowed.
Haha. Holy snap...Insomnia? Insanity?

Mr. Enslin!
What is the meaning of this?
You're lost?
I must confess:
I don't know what's going on here.
Can we start over?
I don't even know where to start.

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