Thursday, January 3, 2008

My Favorite Movie

Ok. So I'm behind in my blog games. I sincerely apologize... I feel it is my noble duty to supply my peers with these mind games. So the basic topic of this one is my favorite movie. I'll talk about my favorite movie genres and hide clues within the paragraphs... Good luck! The game starts now.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
My number one favorite movie genre is horror. When I was younger my brother and his friends would always watch the Halloween and Jason/Friday the 13th movies. I would always sneak in the room and hide behind the couch so I could watch it also. Some of my favorite horrors are: The Saw series, The Grudge, and 13 Ghosts.
"I trust everyone. It's the devil inside them I don't trust."
My second favorite genre is action adventure/spy. I love watching James Bond. I love it when the British secret agent swoops in and saves the day. I also love the intricate plot twists in the Mission:Impossible movies. I give many kudos points to Ian Flemming for creating Mr. Bond, James Bond. I mean James Bond is a world renown fictional spy! Heck I think some state or country should name a capital after him! Capital Ian!
Rome wasn't built in a day.
The third and final genre I'm going to discuss is comedy. Who doesn't like comedy?! It seems like the Hollywood producers have been making some pretty good ones lately too. Just name a few: Austin Powers movies, Taledega Nights, and Nacho Libre. These are all HILARIOUS movies... I mean Austin getting on his mojo, Brother Nacho and his obsession with Luchadores, and Ricky Bobby in his never-ending desire to 'go fast.'
Ok. I very clearly stated the title of my favorite movie within the previous three paragraphs. I'll make it a little easier. The movie title consists of two words. Another hint is that one of the words is in one paragraph and the other word is in a different paragraph. Now its your job to find it. I've also concealed some clues else where... Good luck once again, and happy hunting!!!

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