Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Baseball, RetroGaming, Mullets and more...

Hello. Sorry if you were waiting on me to post this (Tim). I just got home from my girlfriend's house.

So today work was boring. I dusted and vacuumed out CPU towers all day. It wasn't hard by any means. But let me tell you those computers were FILTHY! Then I started helping my mother put together the Annie DVD of our school musical... I lost track of time and was late for my g/f's little brother's baseball game.

Alex (Lindsay's little brother), plays center field for the Domino's Little League team. They won 3rd place in their division. Alex didn't hit very well, but he had a really nice catch that I saw...

After Alex's game, Lindsay and I went to the Crossing because they were having a RetroGaming night. They were bringing games like Pong, RBI, and PacMan to life with the K-6 graders. It was neat, but boring for Linds and I. We left and went to eat at McDonald's b/c we were both starving. When we were leaving I took a drink and then Lindsay said, "Oh no! He shaved his mullet!" Well any of my school mates can tell you that when I have a drink in my mouth, don't make me laugh. I spit lemonade all over her car and myself. Not fun. And she was pointing at some random guy with a buzz cut and a broken arm... She didn't elaborate due to her suprise lemonade car wash.

Then we went to her house and hung out with a friend of her's from Montana that she hasn't seen in a very long time. Allie (her name) was very funny and all around pretty cool.

1 John 2:17
"The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."

Honestly. The Bible continues, to this day, to amaze me. I don't know why... It IS the Word of God!
Anyways, lately I've been trying to focus on letting God take control. I want whatever is in His will. I have been focusing on prayer, because communication is so important. And obviously this verse tells us that following our Father's will is very important too!

Who wouldn't want eternal life? Everyone is in a constant search on how to live forever. Well here's the answer! This reminds me of those make-up commercials on TV for the anti-aging creams... What a bunch of bologna. Here's the real anti-aging formula:
Reliance on God + Prayer + Baptism + Following God's Will = Eternal Life
There may be a few other variables I forgot to throw in here... I'm tired. Sorry.
If you would like, you can comment and make up your own version of a formula for Eternal Life.

God Bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes! im in this one