Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Challenge.

God has been working on me pretty hardcore the last two days. Ever since I got home from Freshman Orientation at the Uni, I've felt like crap. I hadn't checked my e-mail for TWO DAYS--which is a big deal for me. I check my e-mail at least 10 times a day. Well I get home from F.O. and I have tons of e-mail to sift through.
I noticed I had a XXXchurch newsletter. Honestly I get them all the time and I never even read them. My mouse pointer was drawn toward that e-mail and so I clicked it. I skimmed through it and then saw that there was a blog for Teens. I was thinking: "Wow this is great I love reading blogs and this one will help me with Spiritual issues!
God touched my life that day, like He does everyday. Only this time, I felt it and responded.
I call myself a Christian.
Yet, I have gobs of problems. Yeah, I understand that everyone has problems. But, the thing is I'm so fake. I don't read my Bible, I don't pray very often, and I try to witness but I could do better.
The title of this blog is: "The Challenge."
Brandon Piety a person working/helping with XXXchurch and Ian a blogger from the UK have challenged me, even though they have no idea they have. Brandon through his blog and Ian through his blog.
I decided that for the next week I'm going to post a blog every night. Within that blog will be my thoughts on the day, a scripture from that day that I read, and my thoughts about that scripture.
So tune in if you care to hear my thoughts on random scriptures!

God Bless

1 comment:

Evan said...

"XXXchurch"? Teens? Sounds pornographic. I think I'll convert....