Thursday, June 12, 2008


James 1:12 (New American Standard)
12 "Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."

I went to grab my Bible which usually is on the floor of my bedroom right next to my futon. However it wasn't there and I remembered that I actually brought it to church this past Sunday and it was still on the downstairs dining room table. So I went to fetch it and when I got back up in my room I noticed a very small book on the back corner of my desk. Its title was "Promises for Graduates."
It was a gift from the local church where I attended Baccalaureate. It has about every problem a college student would ever encounter living life on their own. And then to accompany the problem there are many verses that help you solve that problem. Since my last blog was titled "The Challenge" I flipped to the 'challenge' page. That is where I found the James scripture.

First I want to talk a little bit about my day and then I'll come back to the scripture:
It was a typical day. I was late for work (thanks Jamie T.). I worked late to make for it. I talked to a friend about my Orientation experience. I mowed my dad's mechanic shop lawn. Here's where it got a little interesting (depending on how you look at it):
During work I had been reading various blogs (thanks Ian) and was trying to open up to God and relinquish control to Him. I got home from mowing and was planning on doing nothing... Maybe PhotoShopping a banner for my blog (which I got done btw...), but then my mom yells up the stairs for me to come down.
I went downstairs and she said that a guy from our church called and said his mower broke. He wondered if I would be willing to go and mow his yard today, right now. I hate saying that God was testing me, because Job told us we're not to accuse Him of this. But this seemed like a very pivotal moment for my relinquishing. I failed miserably. I asked my mom if she was serious. Then, by the look on her face, I grudgingly consented.
The whole time I was on the mower (about an hour), I was thinking. About how we're called, as Christians, to give willingly. I suddenly felt sick. I couldn't believe I'd already failed my 'mission'. In the end I finished the mowing and asked the guy if he needed any other help. He gratefully thanked me and asked how much he owed me. I told him it was on the house and left. I felt better not taking money for it, but I still could have had a better attitude about it.

1) steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.
2) continuance in a state of grace to the end, leading to eternal salvation.
These are the definitions from
Isn't that just amazing? The second definition. Wow. That's what I began to think after I had failed God's 'test'. I must persevere on. I did my best to 'fix' my selfishness, so now I need to go back to where I was before. Overlook my failure.
That's what God does: Overlooks my failures.

God Bless

1 comment:

lexidoodleellis said...

i found your blog through google alerts. you mentioned jon schneck, so it popped up in my inbox.

but yeah, i love world travel, and europe is my favourite place ive been so far.

im going to nicaragua again in a few weeks, but other than that ive got nothing new in the hopper.

i wish i could go to europe again soon! some of my friends are leaving today for france and one of mine is living there for hte summer.

but yeah. traveling the globe is one of my favourite things to do!
