Not the song artist Fergie. This isn't a blog about Fergilicious...
Missy Ferguson. The chorus teacher for the Elementary and Jr. High students at the school district I just graduated from just called my house. I just got off the phone with her.
Mrs. Ferguson was the teacher who I grew up with. Since I have such a passion for the music arts, I learned so much from her. She is also a very strong Christian. I not only learned about music, but of God from her. Her husband was the director of the Campus Students for Christ organization that has an apartment building on the campus of the Uni I'm attending in the fall. I applied there and got accepted. I was thrilled. Well her husband, Charlie, resigned from being the director of CSC. I was sorry to see him go, but understood all the same. They are a pretty old couple. I'm not going to disgrace them by taking a guess, but they're older.
Why am I telling you this?
Missy Ferguson just called to tell me that she resigned from the chorus department at Southeastern School District.
She said that, and I was speechless. I just figured she would teach there until God called her on home to heaven. I can't even begin to describe how awful I feel. I feel terrible! But at the same time I'm happy for the both of them. She told me the reason was that Charlie took on a pastoral job at a church that is too far away to commute. I understand her situation, and I understand that God has HUGE plans for them. They're a great couple. God did good when He worked in their lives.
No one will every be able to replace Fergie at Southeastern. Her legacy of molding young minds with music knowledge and SPIRITUAL knowledge will live on.
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