Monday, June 30, 2008

Last minute BLOG

Hey guys. Sorry this is REALLY late. I was laying down in bed drifting in and out of consciousness texting a friend... Then he just decided he was going to call and so I decided I should get up. Then I realized I hadn't even posted yet today.
I was going to post earlier but I got a message from Tim asking if I wanted to meet KT and him at the local (local for me) ice cream parlor. I gladly accepted! I was in the mood for some LEMON ice cream!!! Thus you can blame Tim and KT for the lateness of this post.

My day was very boring. I worked. I drove to Liberty, IL to drop my dad off at a mechanic shop where his truck was. Then I drove back home and went the long way through Golden so I could stop at Suzy's and get some food, just like old times minus my football buddies.

Then I played Halo. Lots of Halo. Believe it or not today was the first day in my ENTIRE gaming career where I played for nearly 4 hours all by myself. I normally just don't play if no one is on because I hate having to play by myself. But lately I've changed. I really enjoyed myself today. I played TEAM SWAT all day. I ranked up from a 17 to a 22... Until I got matched with these two little 5-yr-olds... No exaggeration. They were like 5 or 6. And one of them didn't feel like playing so she just let her character stand still the whole game. We lost needless to say. I am now a 21 rank. BUT!: I did have an exceptional game at Guardian. My new favorite map. I had 17 kills and only TWO deaths. That is very good for me!

I'm expecting another phone call here real quick so I must be off...

Once again sorry for the lack of scripture and the lateness!

God Bless!

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