Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Church today wasn’t bad. I don’t know if I actually went in with a good attitude towards BCC (my home[?] church), or if the service was just particularly good. Worship today was especially good. I have only ever actually felt connected to God twice my whole life during worship at BCC. Today was that second time.

The sermon wasn’t even bad! It was on Faithful Fathers (it IS Father’s Day!). The scripture was out of Genesis 22. We’ve all heard it before: the story of how God tested Abraham by commanding him to sacrifice Isaac, Abe’s only son.
This story was always fascinating to me when I was younger. I always wondered why God would demand that His most faithful servant, Abe, to kill his son. I was even more amazed by the fact that Abe actually was going to do it. He had FAITH in God. TRUE FAITH.
My new Bible that I received for Graduation from the Plymouth Church (where I consider my TRUE home to be…) is the New American Standard translation. It’s also a study Bible and as the Bowen pastor read through the scripture I glanced at the foot notes. I was interested to find that Bible scholars think that Abe actually knew that God was going to either stop him from killing Isaac or was going to raise Isaac from the dead once Abe did sacrifice him. I never realized that. I think that this revelation can actually do two things for the story:
1) Take away from the significance of how devoted Abraham was to God. It now could be thought that Abe just knew that God was going to deliver Isaac so he didn’t really care that he was killing his son.
2) It could add to just how much Abraham believed in God. He was so faithful that he KNEW that God would give Isaac back to Abe.

After church I gave my dad the Father’s Day gift I bought last night. I gave him National Treasure 2 and two boxes of Good and Plenty. He was happy! Heh… Now I’m on my way to my cousin’s house with my parents, my little sister, my niece and my nephew. The latter of which I was privileged enough to sit by. He actually isn’t being too bad right now. He went crazy earlier when I was texting a friend and I wouldn’t give him my cell.

I’m excited for this family outing for once. Usually they’re all awkward because I don’t really know my family very well, but my Uncle Gary and Aunt Jan from Georgia are going to be there and I don’t get to see them very often. They’re my favorite…

EDIT: We arrived at my cousin’s house. It’s a nice little house in the country and his wife did all the interior design and let me tell you: she did GOOD! The house looks amazing inside and out. Anyway the whole point to this edit is because my favorite Aunt and Uncle aren’t here… I must be confused on what family outing they’re coming too. Too bad. I guess I’m in for another awkward family thing. On a side note the food was good!

Well I’ll blog later… I’m still going to post a scripture today because the one early this morning was for yesterday.

God Bless

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