1 Peter 2:2-3
"Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation now that you have tasted that the Lord is good."
I don't have any kids, but I do know that if my niece or nephew are over and they and when they're hungry they let you know. Sometimes you can quell their shrieks with a pacifier, but you know what they really want: a bottle.
Babies are very picky eaters. My sister breast-feeds my niece, Sadie, and my sister-in-law feeds my nephew, Jaren, formula. Sadie, when she's away from her mother, knows the difference between her mother's milk and formula. And she let's US know she knows the difference...
Anyway my whole point is this:
Babies are so innocent and their only thing they want is their food when they're hungry. What Peter is telling us in this passage is that God wants us to yearn and crave after Him like babies cry for their bottle. He wants us to be so sincere in coming to Him. He knows that He is the only thing that can satisfy our spiritual hunger. Peter also tells us that after we buy into God, after we get a good taste of Him, and trust that Jesus died for us, God offers us eternal life.
You may wonder what some examples of spiritual milk are:
1) Prayer--Prayer is a powerful thing. I have just recently found out just how much can be achieved through telling our Father whats on our mind. And the best part about prayer is that there's no certain way you have to do it! It's just like have a simple conversation with someone. Just talk and you'll receive an answer in time.
2) Scripture--Reading your Bible is important. I can't stress that enough. I have seen it happen to friends and to myself: staying in the Word always has a positive effect on your day-to-day attitudes.
3) Church--Find one! Having a church family to encourage and support you is always a plus. I have friends from many different churches, and so I know that if I ever need anything everyone one of those people would be more than happy to help me out. Going to church is a good way to be fed. Preachers almost always do a good job of delivering a convicting message. Here's a helpful hint I've found from going to so many different churches: Find a church with a congregation and pastor that fit your personality. If you do you will be so much more receptive to the Message.
These are just three simple examples of spiritual milk. There are all kinds of things that can bring you closer to God! These three are just what I would consider to be the core...
Thanks for listening!
God Bless
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