Sunday, June 22, 2008

today was Good

Sorry I missed my post yesterday. I don't even have a viable excuse. I just kind of neglected to get online and post. Which also means I didn't get into the Word.

Yesterday was a "let's have a new experience" day. I figured I might as well act as though I'm living on my own since I was for the weekend and will be starting this fall. I cooked myself a meal (which I made up my own recipe wasn't bad). Then I did my own laundry (and I only had to call my mom once!). And lastly I did a little cleaning (emphasis on the little).

Today was a good day speaking from all points of view. Spiritually it was especially. I went to The Crossing church for morning service. The message was very unique and delivered very well. It was about making sure your heart was in the right place, trust, and apathy. Kind of an odd combination, but it was still good. Worship was...AWESOME! My favorite was when they did the Christy Nockles "Hosanna". I love love LOVE that song.

Then this afternoon I watched Bourne Ultimatum, which was very good. I'd been waiting to see it when I could watch the first two again, but I figured if I kept doing that I would never get around to watching the final installment of the Bourne series.

Finally I loaded up my car with Ham and Bung (my two gamer buddies) and we all went to Studio (youth group at The Crossing). It was great. The studio was PACKED tonight. The worship once again was phenomenal. Andy (the youth pastor) preached a very good sermon on being real. Not proclaiming to be a Christian and then not acting like one. Usually I've heard this type of a sermon so much that I tune them out and don't get much, but I was convicted tonight. I asked to set-up a meeting with Andy sometime this week to talk to him about some of my problems. I just felt so convicted tonight by the Holy Spirit.

Here's a verse from the sermon from the morning service that I thought was blog worthy:

2 Timothy 1:7 (New American Standard)
7 "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline."

This verse I think goes along with the apathy part of Jerry Harris's (senior pastor at The Crossing) sermon. God doesn't want His people, who love, trust, and worship him, to just sit there during their free time twiddling their thumbs. He wants us out there in this BROKEN world proclaiming His name. He wants us living the life of Christ. Living with and showing the true faith. This verse hits home, because too often I find myself in a perfect situation to witness to a non-believer and I let it slip by. I do nothing. God gives us this situations to grab and use to further His kingdom. So why don't we?

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