I JUST woke up. I had the worst dream for an Obsessive Compulsive person. I have undiagnosed OCD because I don't believe in going to the doctors or psychologists... Anyway the dream before I forget it:
It all started in a really skanky business of some sort. It was in a mangy run-down building. Some of my friends and I (at least I assume they were my friends... I already can't remember) brought our Nintendo 64's to this place to system link (which isn't possible) and play Mario Kart Wii (which DEFINITELY isn't possible). Okay well I kept both of my controllers on my system so I didn't have to worry about losing one of them or getting them confused with a friends or someone else.
Well everything was going good until this employee showed up and wanted to play. For some reason the employee HAD to play on my system with HIS controller. So the person that was already playing on my system got up and left and took my controller with him. Then all the sudden the employee wanted to leave and he left HIS controller. So I didn't think anything of it until we quit playing and packed up.
My good controller was there but the other one was gone. In its place was a generic N64 controller that was greasy. A HUGE no-no to an OCD person. At least it is to me. I immediately go nuts... I'm on a rampage to find that employee. I ask all my friends if they have my controller and they didn't.
Then all the sudden the dream shifted:
I was still in the same building, but apparently I wasn't looking for my controller anymore. I was sitting on a couch. And this very old lady that used to baby-sit my little sister (in real life) was next to the couch in a wheelchair (she doesn't have a wheelchair even though she's like a million years old). All the sudden I asked if she was okay and she responded, "No, the mouse bit me."
Now let me tell you I'm DEATHLY afraid of mice and insects. I know... I'm weird.
I run away from her and go and try to find help for her. I run up stairs of some sort and Bill Twaddell (a guy from my church) is suddenly there... RANDOM! Anyway I tell him that Glenadene Webster (the old lady) needs help she's been bit by a mouse. Then Greg Flesner (one of my friend's dad) is there and he's acting like an exterminator. He's looking at all the vents and giving suggestions and stuff.
Finally I get mad. I'm not sure if I'm mad that I still can't find my controller or if I'm mad that they never helped the old lady. I run over to something (I can't remember what) on the floor and flip it over in my anger. There's ANTS EVERYWHERE. I scream and try to run. I can feel them all over my feet and so I run while scraping my feet on the ground in an effort to get the ants off. The last thing I remember is sitting in the fetal position on the top of a couch and looking out as billions of ants crawl my way. Then I woke up.
Wow. I've never recorded or been able to remember my dreams before... This is great!
I hope you enjoyed this.
Will blog later.
God Bless
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