Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Passion, Annie, Yearbook and MORE!

Wow. I haven’t blogged in I don’t know how long! So much has happened! I’ve taken a trip with buddies from The Crossing to Atlanta, Georgia to a church convention called Passion; I’ve endured many stressful days that come along with being the lead in a high school musical; I’ve FINALLY finished a massive year-long project, also known as the yearbook; I’ve graduated from Southeastern High School!

I don’t even know how to describe it! It was so inspiring. I hope to be able to go again in the future. We left in four mini-vans on a Thursday night after Fuel. I got the BEST van—by far the best. Courtney and Kelly drove. Autumn and Lorree navigated. Bryan and I sat in the middle bucket seats and entertained. I would be lying to say that I didn’t enjoy the trip up there. Yes, it did seem endless and I was tired. And yes I got made fun of most of the time… But I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Once we got to the hotel in GA we just relaxed for several hours until it was time for the first session. Louis Giglio was what I would consider the host. He was an amazing speaker and was able to convict the hearts of many with his stories. The praise bands were… Phenomenal! Chris Tomlin, David Crowder Band, Charlie Hall, and others led us in worshipping our Father. They were so good. The trip home was about the same as the way there… Only a little more endless and tiring.
Passion Pictures:

I don’t even know where to begin. Being apart of the musical was the greatest experience. I had SO MUCH fun. Whether it was rehearsals, make-up, or just screwing around with cast members… I will never forget the memories I gained from this experience. As my title eludes we produced a fine performance of Annie. I played the part of Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks. It was definitely tough, but we made it through. The showing on Friday went exceptionally well. I wasn’t nervous one bit. I felt like we just doing another rehearsal. The second night, I didn’t think, went as well. It was still good, I just felt better about the day before. Everyone about had a heart attack on the second show day because CJ, who played a lead role (Rooster), didn’t show up until ten minutes before show time. All in all the musical went well!
Annie Pictures:

Stressful. Proud. Excited. Anxious. These are just a few words that describe how I feel about the 2007-2008 Southeastern High School Reflections Yearbook. It was indeed very stressful. We had deadlines. I spent ENDLESS hours PhotoShopping an ENDLESS amount of photos. I’m proud of what we, the editors (Kaitlyn, Josie, and I) have produced. This year’s yearbook will be the first yearbook in school history to be all color. I’m so proud to claim that I was a yearbook editor this year. Whereas last year I would have been embarrassed to admit that. I’m SO excited for August 8th to arrive. That is the day the yearbooks will be delivered to the high school. I can’t wait to see the finished product in my hands, in HIGH RESOLUTION! I got so tired of seeing blurry pictures of normal paper. At the same time I’m anxious to see how the rest of the student body reacts to our creation. I’m confident that they’ll like it, but at the same time I just worked so hard I don’t want to be disappointed.
Yearbook Preview:
Page 24
Page 51

I have very mixed emotions on this subject. I will tell you one thing though. It WAS NOT just another day of my life. I have too often shrugged off important days of my life as “just another day.” Not this day. Yeah, all of this may sound so cliché, but I will truly miss Southeastern and the Class of 2008. We’ve only been together for 13 years!!! I feel as though they’re family. Sure, I didn’t know all 41 of them as well as I would have liked, and too often I treated some of them wrongly. I told many people that if I could move out on my own and still go to SHS… I’d be set! That to me would be the life. I love this community, and even though I look forward to living in Macomb next year, I can’t WAIT to visit!
Graduation Pictures:

I’ll get back to blogging more often now that my life has calmed down considerably. Thanks for listening! Check back soon!

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