Walk with Jesus.
This is how I feel all too often. Hypocrisy is a common word that comes to mind. Ya know what I mean?
God gives us all the tools we need to be successful in His eyes. So why don't we use them?!
I too often find myself just flowing with the crowd. The problem is that the crowd isn't Christian! I flow right into satan's hands. This is so sad to admit. I consider myself to be a leader not a follower; so why in the world am I letting non-Christians influence me???
Man. Life is crazy. It has so many ups and downs; it's like one massive roller coaster. Only the theme park ride-of-life goes subterranean. Meaning it has so many more downs than ups it seems. Can anyone identify with this??? Please?
I think that I'm so alone in this a lot. I KNOW God is with me. But we're supposed to help each other out. And I feel like either there's no one else struggling like this or they're too afraid to say something... The funny thing is that if I were to find someone to finally talk to and figure things out, that relationship would boost both people involved on the up and up.
Wow... Two Relient K songs in one blog...
Seriously if anyone ever has anything they would like to talk about, or if my blog picks your brain... LET ME KNOW! I want to help in any way I can! Just drop me a comment here or any of the other various communities I'm involved in. I am MORE than willing to talk and help you out.
After I typed all of that (^^^), I did some praying... I just have this funny sense that someone (one of my readers) is struggling with the very subject I just wrote about. I'll keep praying. I don't know who it is, but I ask (again) that if you need/want to talk, hit me up with a message some how!
Double-whammy scripture time!!!
Galatians 6:2-3 (New American Standard)
2 "Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. 3 For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself."
James 5:16 (New American Standard)
16 "Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much."
These are just two scriptures in the Bible that command us, as believers, to get accountability and share our struggles with one another. I have been praying lately about my blogs. I felt they weren't fully doing their purpose... So I prayed about what I should write about. This came to mind...
Accountability is SO important. I am accountable to this one guy I met at the Crossing in QTown. He and I go out to eat occasionally and just talk about what has been going on in our lives lately. If I am ever at home and struggling with an issue or feel defeated about my religion then I just shoot a text his way or call him. I'm also accountability partners with a close friend of mine. He texts me and we talk back and forth about issues giving each other encouragement.
Accountability relationships are the coolest relationships I've ever come in contact with. I can tend to not be very trusting sometimes, and so to open up to people really lifts burdens off my shoulders! God works in VERY powerful ways through accountability partners.
God Bless
1 comment:
when i got that text from you last night i was watching the love guru in quincy (which wasnt that great) so i wasnt going to be able to read your blog anyways and i hadnt read the one from the night before that cuz i was at orientation and the internet connection sucked in the dorms
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